By the way, watch Zenni Optical on TV!!!
Tag along with the mother and daughter tandem as they struggle and succeed in parenting, toddlerhood and everything else in between with STYLE!
Visited Brent South Campus and what can I say? I’m impressed. I am, really - with the classes, the surroundings and with the people. Well, atleast those I’ve talked to anyway. People there are so nice! When I stepped inside the campus, parang wala ako sa Pilipinas! Haha I guess that’s one part that explains the SKY ROCKETING tuition fee. It’s almost like buying a car every year, haha.
Anyway, on to my kwento. I pretty liked what I saw although I didn’t get to see the students in the middle and upper school. I had good vibes with the school honestly but the thing is this …
Apparently, Sophia is not eligible to enter their Pre-K yet as kids in this class are supposed to be four by December. Sophia will turn four not until next year - March. She is eligible to enter the pre-school classes though at Brent in ATC but Brent ATC is closing down already this coming May which leaves me no choice but to look for a school to enroll the little girl this June (SY 2008-2009). I wonder now if this is a sign. You all know how I’m having apprehensions of sending Sophia to Brent right? Just so you know, I even pray for it, asking HIM for signs. I wonder now if this is somewhat a sign HE is giving me. Oh well …
Jon and I talked and we came up with the decision to let Sophia go to Rosemont for this school year and we’ll just see what happens next. We have got one whole year ahead of us to really think about it on whether we’ll let her transfer after a year or make her stay in Rosemont and just go straight to Woodrose by grade 1. We’ll see how it goes. We’ll observe Sophia at Rosemont first and just decide after. So I guess my school hunting is not yet over, far from over.
Tagged by pretty girl Em. Thanks for this hot momma!
1) Sophia loves playing pretend. She would ask me to put a dress on her and make her wear my “glass shoes” so she could be Cinderella.
2) She adores Dora, period.
3) She used to look like her dad but she’s now a carbon copy of me. Walang aangal, haha.
4) She hates chocolates. Any kind - choco cakes, choco candies, choco ice cream and even choco drinks. Lucky me!
5) She LOVES sinigang - baboy, hipon or isda. When I say love, she can eat it over and over and over and over again. Even when we’re on trips abroad, she looks for sinigang. While in restos too, she’ll order sinigang.
6) She loves smiling for the camera and having her picture taken.
7) She loves to dress up - for any occasion.
8 ) She is very inquisitive. She never runs out of questions with follow up questions even. Never ending “whys” I’m telling you.
Its now time you share your babies’ 8 things Peachy, Joy, Apols, Apple, Jen, Amore, Abie and Thea.